

CHLS Class of ‘61 Classmates,

Thank you for the quick response to our email for planning a 60th reunion. It was wonderful to hear from so many of you and your support and appreciation for our arranging the reunion. There are classmates who have been to our reunions in the past who we have not heard from. Some of our email addresses are no longer valid and those that are valid we fear may have gone directly into the “Junk” file. If you have maintained contact with any classmates, please let them know about the reunion and our email address, if they would like to contact us.

We’ll be sending you more details about the reunion, but for your planning we want to let you know we have set a date and a place to bring us together one more time. We have rented a hall at the Boston Hilton Woburn Hotel for Saturday, September 18th from 1:00 o’clock to 6:00 o’clock. We’ll have a luncheon with several meals to choose from. There will be lots of time to renew old acquaintances and share the many fond memories of our high school years.

To finalize arrangements with the hotel, we need to hear from you by July 1st if you plan to join us. Also, in your response please let us know if someone will be joining you and if you are considering reserving a hotel room for Friday and/or Saturday. The hotel has set aside 10 rooms for us at a discounted rate.

By the end of July, we’ll be sending you the invitation with the price, meal choices along with other plans for the day.

We’ll be placing this email in our website. We encourage you to visit the site it has lots of great pictures of reunions over the years. You can direct classmates to the site for information about the reunion.

We are under a very tight schedule to make the necessary arrangements and look forward to your timely reply to help us complete finalizing arrangements for the luncheon.

Warmest regards from your classmates,

Marie DeVellis,
Joanne Totino,
Mary Ann Lewis, (Perry)
Frank Buda,
Paul Sullivan,